Monday, May 7, 2007

Too busy to blog!

First of all, THANKS to andy for solving the ‘mystery’. Or rather, mystery only to me lah. >.<>


There’s just so much to blog about. After exams means I have simply less time free at home (coz I go out more). Last week’s BBQ back in hall will have to wait until i have more time to upload those photos! I forgot what else I intended to blog about, until I read Sam’s blog today.

Yes! I am excited abt our trip too!! I had so much choices of grad trips.. Perth, Taiwan, Tibet, Malaysia, Thailand, Cruise, NewZealand, Europe, China.. in the end? I picked Tibet. Why? One, coz it was the most formulated and most popular (I had 3 different groups of friends proposing it..). Another, and the most important, is that I really miss traveling with Sam and other brothers and sisters-in-Christ! I have mentioned so much in the past year about how US road trips rocked.. but the most memorable trip, was still my Bangkok trip in dec2003. 5 of us, Bangkok. Not only coz it was my first real holiday overseas with my friends, but also coz it feels totally different to be on holiday with only church friends. I am not saying anything else, but the company just makes it different. Conversations are different. Throughout my multiple US roadtrips, only 1 was similar. My longest 3-week west coast trip. Even when I was traveling with 3 guys that I met for the first time in my life on day1 of the trip, it was still special. This upcoming trip to Tibet will not consist only of brothers and sisters, but it will have a rather big proportion.. and I haven’t met Sam in almost half a yr!! My BnJ buddy! (let’s convert to xiaolongbao buddies while in Shanghai.. lol) And more have decided to join the group. Jinghui, my friend for 8 years, but our first trip together! And of course my fellow FatSunshiners bong n maybe CF ^_^


I wanted to start watching wuzun’s other show, Tokyo Juliet, right after I submitted my thesis. But I was so busy til now. I have caught 5 episodes of it.. and it’s totally different from Hana Kimi! HK is a comedy, while TJ is a sad love story.. those typical dramas about a guy and gal wanting to love but cannot love. So clichéd. And Wuzun couldn’t act then (I couldn’t figure out if he was really smitten with the gal, or if he was just trying to flirt with her). Yet, I love the show. From episode 2 onwards, I have been weeping buckets of tears as I watch the show. Why? I can’t really pinpoint why such a boring storyline can make me so worked up. But, somehow, some lines, simply touched raw nerves..


qi said...

when are u going? want lonely planet for tibet? my friend has.

Anonymous said...

oh tibet will be beautiful! you must put up photos.

DrC said...

yeah i definitely will put up photos!!!! ^_^ getting ready multiple GB of SD cards.. hehe