Saturday, May 31, 2008

Miracles still do happen!

The hard work did pay off. Despite doing more modules than other grad students, i did unexpectedly well this semester. The most amazing being the results of the ethics/philosophy module (where i attempted suicide by writing about the brain and religion, arguing that God exists, in front of an atheist philosophy prof and an atheist neurobiologist).. i got an A+ for that module!! I am so so so very happy!! Haha... the euphoria of my good results still hasn't settled in.. i haven't done so well in so long.. well enough to be on the Dean's list if there was one for grad school! haha. people say that in grad school, noone cares if you have a great CAP/GPA. true. but we do have a CAP/GPA to maintain too, or we'd be thrown out of the scholarship. I'm so glad, i am here to stay. (and my sureties can sleep well tonight too) ^_^

Though i may be asking for alot here, but i do pray that the miracles do extend to my experiments too.. =P

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