Tuesday, May 27, 2008


As i went back to Grace Covenant Church's website, after many months of not being there, i realized that they have moved. and only at the new website, did i discover that Pastor Young has a blog. As i read through it, I was thrown into a whirlpool of feelings. I miss those days in GCC. I really do. it doesn't matter that i was there only 5 months, and 2 years has passed since. There are some things that i will never forget. walking to the university in the cold, sitting beside steph every sunday, learning new songs, getting touched by pastor young's sermons week after week, the very different easter services, the fasting during lent.. But my biggest regret was not joining their family group. If i ever have the chance to return, may I be more active in that church and join a local family group too.

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