Wednesday, October 24, 2007


if some of you know, i have a conference from 4-8 november, and a pre-conference workshop 2-3 nov.. luckily it's in singapore, so no plane/hotel to pay, but just entry fees, which total to about S$1000+ for the 1 week. (it's alot of $$!) Unfortunately, one of my current modules' exam is on the 6th.. right smack in the middle! i wrote in to the prof in charge, asking for an alternative plan for me, such as a term paper or an assignment (it's common for grad school modules coz phD students always have conferences overseas). However, this prof very mean.. he refused to excuse me! he insisted that i should skip conference for a useless exam... so i bobian...

Last week, the NUS grad school asked every student to give 1 feedback on any module we are currently taking.. of course i gave a heated feedback on this module! I told them how every module coordinator should be prepared to make alternative arrangements for students who have conferences to attend, coz this is grad school and it'd be a common sight in every semester...

Today, i got an email, informing us that the exam has been postponed from the 6th to the 14th of november!!!!! YAYyyyyyyyyy~~~~ Thank God. He always makes things right in the end. ^_^

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