Sunday, December 2, 2007

eat eat eat it all up

I vaguely remember when i was young that my mum said that ants were eating away my house. How can teeny weeny ants eat away my house? and.. does a house taste good? (i seriously doubt a house can taste better than chocolates or icecream) But i saw it with my own eyes.. those masses of ants scrambling all around certain parts of my house.. walls getting chipped off here and there, powdery red stuff that kept pouring out endlessly from the walls. MY HOUSE WAS DISAPPEARING! i hated those ants, eating away my beloved home. But, they were not removable! there were so many of them, that no matter how we killed them, more seemed to appear. I can't really remember what happened later on.. but termites are hateful things. If i buy my own house in future, i'm sure i'd build some termite barriers to protect my house from them! Houses are expensive okay. i am not so generous as to pay so much money for a termite's meal.

*this is a sponsored post*

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