Thursday, June 26, 2008

it’s a journey

I should have seen it coming. At the back of my head, I know that I have to reach this day sooner or later. In fact, the sooner it is, the faster we can actually progress. But I was really not looking forward to it. Until, today, they spelt it out to us. Suddenly, I can feel myself peeling away from my comfort zone, into a foggy world where everything is uncertain. Noone knows what will come out of what we do. I don’t like it, but this is the nature of the path chosen. As L says, it’s the journey that we have to experience. It’s gonna be so so soo difficult from now on. Difficult yet exciting. And at the same time, I must really learn to be grateful that now I don’t have just one mentor, but three! Count my blessings. And continue to walk hand in hand with The Twin, even if we tread on separate paths. ^_^

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