Sunday, September 9, 2007

reaching out to the unreached

Today’s sermon was on evangelizing to the people who have never ever heard of the Word in their entire life. Majority of these people reside in the 10-40 window, which means between latitudes 10 and 40. Suddenly, I thought of someone from this group that I could have spoken to. I had made a friend with someone whom I doubt has ever heard of the Word. And amongst this group of people, it is probably very rare to meet someone without a language barrier, which was what happened in my case. I was really looking forward to making a good friend, but I must admit that at that point of time, I didn’t think of evangelizing to him. I wish I did, for I had ample chances if only I had noticed them. It’s such a great pity that we’ve gone our separate ways without me able to make this encounter a more meaningful one. I hope that the next time I have such an opportunity again, I will make full use of it. ^_^

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