Friday, September 14, 2007

I signed up for PPP!

It's been a couple of months since i've signed up for this.. PayPerPost (aka PPP) thingie. Not like i'm a hardcore poster like some others.. (who thus end up earning thousands of dollars, literally, each month.. i bet they take this as a professional career!) Instead, i only blog about certain things that happen to interest me.. henceforth.. i get only enough $$ for tea from my blog posts. haha. well, tea isn't that cheap where i work! Each drink can cost 3-4 times more than some other places! So don't undermine my "coffee money" yeah. haha. But the interesting thing is, though i am asked to post blog ads about various places, i noticed a trend in my posts... i tend ot post about holiday destinations and things related to traveling!! and in the process, i discovered i've learnt much more than i've contributed! Now that i've got more knowledge about some online webbies on booking airflights, hotels etc, i'm all ready to travel! All thanks to PayPerPost! ^_^

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