Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Finally, it’s over. What a scare of a lifetime. I was so prepared, having read through my slides a million times, and even got Lin to help me with the preparations. (thanks gal). This morning, boss L (ok, this sounds like Death Note.. haha) helped me with a final rehearsal. The moment I stood up to talk, all the rehearsals and scripts became nothing. I got all tongue-tied and gibberish just kept flowing out of my mouth. Bleah. Just a rehearsal with my very-nice-boss also like that. Lucky he was really very encouraging, and we spent an hour perfecting my slides.

Fangers was so accommodating, to go for an early lunch with me. Being the kiasu me, I wanted to be back half an hr before my presentation started at 1pm. Haha.. I think I am the hardest person to get along with.. must accommodate my timing, must accommodate my food cravings, must accommodate my complains and whining about how stressed I am.

So.. 1pm finally came. And left. I know my tongue got tied a million times during the presentation, I know I answered some questions like a dumb dumb. But I truly enjoyed the session. Stressful as it was, being a meeting with the director himself (and 2 others), I got a whole lot of very useful feedback from them too. Indeed, they asked a lot of questions that set me thinking. Then there was the debate amongst the profs themselves. And.. the proposal from my boss to give me that other project. Which was led by a direct rejection by E. boohoohoo. But I guess they know better. I should not aim too high and juggle so many things. They mean the best for me. Besides all the critical questioning, I must say that they were very encouraging. Ultimately, they weren’t there to put me down, but to help me build a strong building. And the fact that they said the project looks exciting and interesting, meant a lot to me.

Then there were the fun things during the meeting, such as the realization of the “déjà vu” thingie… of what E did to L, and now what L is doing to fangers and I. haha. That was something new that I learnt about my boss. And after the meeting, E was still around, and we had a short chat. (started off being a gossip session, til L joined us in the conversation. Ahha) Being out of the “presentation” setting, it was so much easier to relax and talk to him like a friend. There’re so many things that I would have said to them all if not for my nervousness. (and their lack of time). But oh well, I think things can only get better. Looking forward to the next (still stressful) TAC meeting! ^_^

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