Saturday, June 13, 2009

So many tries later, i finally got to eat icecream at daily scoop again. i think i'm the most unfortunate, to go there without my wallet, then forget that they're closed for a few days, then went there to have lunch and felt too full for any icecream! argh. but yes, good things are worth pursuing. i finally FINALLY got to eat my icecream! and sure enough it was goooooooood

Yes, the bestest combination i ever tried. Peach bum with hot hot brownie. it's sourish, complements perfectly with the chocolatey brownie. oooooooohh

and the other one, plain crispy waffle topped with berry brandy! whoa.. the brandy was so strong, as compared to the other alcoholic flavors! nice nice.. ^_^

and i never really stopped by to take a look. the view was so beautiful, especially at that time of the day. wish i had a better camera with me though.

even the kids knew where to get the best view. and i think it's better to go as a kid. it's actually quite high, and i got quite scared. yes, my friends always luff at me being an acrophobic, considering that i'm not that short. >.<

proof that it's high! see? someone was there all strapped up!!

i really must make a trip there again, hopefully before i leave for europe. bah, so many things to do before i leave! but i can hear the berry brandy calling me.. mmmmm =P

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