Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Evolution vs Creation

Was preparing all these for my lesson last sunday. Was quite intrigued by how nature really speaks for creationism itself. Had been quite convicted all along, but this only adds to it. ^_^

Assumptions in the evolution theory

Evolutionary Assumptions - Celebrity bloopers here

How the simple Chicken Egg defies evolution!

Scientific Discoveries : Incredible Creatures That Defy Evol - Click here for more home videos

Find more from "Incredible Creatures that defy Evolution"! ^_^


Anonymous said...

The egg video is just a video showing how the chick embryo develops and is an "Argument from Incredulity". I cant see how the chick embryo development could have evolved, therefore it must be created.This is a strawman argument.
In fact, to ask u back. Why would a Creator make Man have nipples which they wont need? Why do asexual dandelions have sexual parts? Why do asexual whiptail lizards exhbit mating behaviour? Why do cavefishes and deep sea fishes have non-functional eyes for which they have no use for?
And why do nylon diesting bacteria make nylonase which can only digest nylon a few decades back. What is the enzyme used for (its only specific for nylon) at the beginning of "creation"

B said...

Maybe we should all visit
Talk origins first. http://www.talkorigins.org

B said...

I'm also waiting for the Theory of Intelligent Design to provide evidence for the mechanism of creator interference.

Anonymous said...

Just look the evidence for ERVs.

Anonymous said...

Genesis 30:31 to 40 states that goats get their different patterns of coat colour by virtue of Jacob making them copulate in front of streaked rods. Is that scientific?