Saturday, July 28, 2007

I signed up for PPP!!

Heard about payperpost from Arzhou a couple of months back. I had noticed that his blogs have an extra phrase "this is a sponsored post" below many of his entries. He later so kindly introduced it to me, as one of his many ways to "conveniently" make money. Him being quite a trustable source (in my opinion), i decided to give it try. Alas, one of PayPerPost's requirements was not met by my blog--blog age. Though i started blogging in 2003, i had recently changed blog address (due to weird things happening to my prevous blog template that couldn't seem to be solved), and that made my blog less than 90 days old!! I've waited soooo long for my blog to turn 90 days, before I finally got it approved. NOW, i can start earning some extra tea-time money! Being a student means we're not that rich, thus the need for extra income in ways like that. YAY~ Now i can start going out more often for afternoon tea or a cup of coffee when i'm free!! It's so convenient! Not like I am going all the way out to do something that makes my life difficult. I am just blogging as usual. Why not try it too? blog network rocks!!~~ ^_^

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