Thursday, September 11, 2008


woof! i can finally sit down and do things at my own pace. i quite like coming to work at 6am, coz noone's around to disturb me and i have the whole place to myself. makes work much more efficient. PLUS, by mid afternoon i am free! like now! hahaha... such a rarity these days. must really rest well til tmr afternoon. Then it's non-stop work til 2 weeks later! >.<

have been talking to friends about various career choices recently. and the conversation never fails to return to something abt science being the worst pit to fall into, be it workload-wise or $$-wise. i totally agree that it's so tiring, and i don't have much $$ prospect (contrary to what people outside the field think, that a simple doctorate degree brings millions to the pocket). yet, during all these conversations, not once have i faltered in my decision to enter this field. exhausting it may be, frustrating some things may get, but nothing beats having a passion for the job. I don't know how so many people nowadays can choose jobs with fantastic monetary gains but minimal job satisfaction over jobs that offer the exact opposite. what joy is there in doing something that you dislike, just for the $$? maybe $$ can make people happy. i don't know. but i love my job. ^_^

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