Saturday, August 22, 2009

one week sabbatical

had planned a week of less experiments, so that i could spend more time meeting THE boss who's back from US (like 1-2 times a yr only, and each time only a week!). To add on to that, i had a presentation on friday, so i needed more time to prepare for it. yet, without knowing, the week went past with no free time in between! in fact, i was so busy everyday that i only went out for lunch once. really blessed that now i don't have to worry if there's no bread to pack for lunch on busy days, coz there's always someone else to depend on. ^_^ (not to forget, there was even icecream yesterday in my packed lunch! hehe)

so why was i so busy even with few experiments? meetings. tonnes of meetings, with locals and visitors from afar. discussions. analyses of data. and very fun, THE boss proposed something very new and exciting, and i was playing around with excel for 2 full days thereafter. whoaa.. there's such massive amt of data (like 45000 rows X 300 columns) that my computer takes ages to process everything. and with so much manipulations to do, i was really spending so much time on my work! until... a computer guru told me how to speed up the processing, and even wrote a very useful formula for me to use! whoahaha.. thanks dude! saved me so much time lah! instead of spending 2 full weeks on my data analysis, i actually finished everything in 2 full days! saved so much time! and just nice, finished it before the end of the week coz next week is full of wetlab work again.

busy i was, but i was really happy. being away from labwork for some time. not that i dislike wetlab, coz i really love doing it. but i like meeting people and discussing ideas and stuff with them too. get so much more ideas and feedback from these experts. and it pays when people get excited abt ur work. hee. and bioinformatics isn't so boring after all. and it's soooo convenient to do, can bring home my work to do at my own time! whoahahaha.. well, that was one 'week-long sabbatical' for me.

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