Sunday, April 26, 2009

it JUST has to happen together. WHY?

If only life were simpler. No decisions to make, no choices to make. That'd be so nice. Sometimes, we complain that we have no choice. Then, we complain when there're too many choices. haiz. I keep wondering if this is good or bad, that i have choices. If there were only 1 option, then no need to wreck my simple brain to choose. Then again, who doesn't like choices? Especially when offered all at the same time, then can take your pick. Choose the best one. BUT... then comes the worry that we might make the wrong choice, and regret later. HAIYOH. What contradictory creatures we all are. >.<


Geez. i so need a break from all my activities. So tired out. All of a sudden, everyone's meeting up and organizing activities. Not that i'm complaining. I LOVE going out with my friends, and i love it when everyone is so spontaneous and we can easily spend time together without going through much hassle of planning. But, i think i am taking on too much. meeting too many different groups of friends, doing too many different things, picking up too many skills, making too many commitments. Need a break. gosh. but no opportunity to. howhowhow. can't wait for dive trip at the end of may, then europe 2 weeks later! noone will be able to ask me out then, and i can enjoy life at its simplest, and maybe slowest. ^_^

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