Am so upset that my london trip would make me miss a picnic. i so very much love picnics, and i am going to miss it. am so so so sad!!!!! =( Well at least i am not too upset about not being able to make it to kusu island, after discovering that there really isn't too much to see there. but I STILL WANT MY PICNIC!! *wails* oh geez. i'll stop whining like a baby after this. London should be more fun than a picnic at kusu island anyway, right? =P
speaking of london, i am finally going! flight confirmed, lodging confirmed. i never expected the flight to be so cheap, less than $2k! i always had the impression that everything would be more expensive than going to the States, flight incuded. haha. ok suaku me, never been to London before can? Now it's my chance. And i'm flying SQ!! i wonder if qiaoling and the rest would be on that flight? Then maybe the 14 hr flight wouldn't be too boring, with friends who'd appear at a press of a button. hahahah.
I cannot help but remember what he said to me. Why must some people talk so dirty? I had such a hard time trying to understand what that joke targetted at me meant. Spent the next hour pondering over it, until i finally got it. and felt so offended. bah. you think it's cool? you think that chemistry would fly just because you speak that way? you're totally wrong man. so sorry. but that's the biggest turn off ever.
Sometimes it really is very difficult to read a person's mind via internet. there's so much less you can receive as compared to meeting the person physically. i don't know what is wrong, or if anything is wrong at all. maybe it's the overload of work recently. but i just pray that he'd be fine. he was a special one all along. to me and to others.