Saturday, November 28, 2009

Dee Divas Day~

After the multiple chinatown outings, we finally made it to the kitchen after 3 yrs!! Thanks to QL's parents being away, we got to their kitchen to ourselves!! woohoo~ really miss those days we cooked together, especially during pre-exam reading week. Maggi mee, rosti, liang teh. Well, today, we whipped up something way better! hee. Thanks to the chef with her 'stolen trade secret'. hehe. shan't reveal what til the photos are out. hehe. i really wish i was back in hall, with my own room, and better still with my own kitchen (not that dirty and gross hall kitchenette). so much fun cooking for ourselves, and hanging out.. can't wait til one of us really owns a place of her own, then we can always go and chill out there! hehe

on a side note, it was a weird being alone. never thought this would ever happen to me, but xb's owner really did it. day and night is the way to go. >.< where's that independent weijia that i used to know!?!? hmmmm...

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